Civl Services
Stormwater Design
When situations call for the management of stormwater runoff, whether for achieving permit or alleviating runoff issues, Civl works with the client's needs in mind to design a plan suitable for their site. Our professional experience and regulatory understanding promote environmentally conscious designs which meet or exceed standards set forth by local, state, and federal agencies.

Erosion & Sediment Control Design
Designing plans in accordance with regulatory standards and customizing the plans for each site, our erosion and sediment control plan design process offers superior attention to detail and delivers professional results. From Site Specific E&S Plans to NPDES or ESCGP compliant E&S Plans, Civl has you covered.

Specializing in urban and rural land development projects, such as commercial, residential, or mixed use developments, oil and gas well pads and pipelines, or new industrial parks, our expertise and open communication allow clients to easily understand their options and make confident decisions to maximize their property's potential. Through partnerships with local professional service firms and relationships built on trust, all aspects of the land development process is coordinated and led by Civl to ensure high-quality service and timely deliverables.
Land development

Hazardous waste & Emergency Response Plans
Preparation of PPC Plans, Spill Prevention and Response Plans, and Emergency Response Plans.

Planning / zoning
For clients looking to develop a property, subdivide a tract of land, or expand the built-upon area of a parcel with new buildings or infrastructure, many localities require approval from a Zoning or Planning Commission. By merging the goals of our client, thorough interpretation of local codes, and open communication with regulatory staff, a set of plans is effectively developed which complies with established ordinances while serving the needs of our Client when projects require approval from Zoning and Planning Commissions.

Grading & earthwork
Utilizing AutoCAD Civil 3D and professional engineering practices, our studio can provide an interpretive analysis of cut and fill values on easy-to-read, colorized maps during the creation of grading plans. We partner with trusted, local Geotechnical Engineering firms to test and analyze subsurface conditions of which the results can be incorporated into the grading design for determining such things as: topsoil thickness, depth to bedrock, groundwater presence, suitability of soils, and rock removal quantities.

Additional services
Civl works closely with other specialized consultants to provide the following additional services:
E&S Inspections
Stream and Wetland Delineation
Geotechnical Analysis
Site & Boundary Surveys
Cultural Resource Review and Permitting
Archaeological Studies
Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species Studies